Funeral Service Arrangements
A Personalised Funeral or Cremation Service
There are many ways that we can help the bereaved create positive and lasting memories for them to treasure forever.
It is a very special time and is most important that the ceremony be such that it centers on the life of your loved one.
We can assist with the following
- Ask family or friends to act as pall bearers.
- Allow close family members and friends to place a flower, piece of bush or soil on the coffin or into the grave.
- Arrange for clubs or various organisations ( of which the deceased was a member) to attend the service, perhaps forming a guard of honour.
- Place treasured personal items into or on the coffin.
- Arrange to have a photograph of the deceased placed on or beside the coffin for the funeral/cremation service.

The General Conception of Death
Most people are uncertain about death. It causes many of us to feel uncomfortable, unhappy and sorrowful. The funeral is an important part of death because if allows us to properly say “goodbye” to a loved one or friend. It brings families and friends together to support and comfort one another in a time of grief. The funeral is a time and place to show the love and admiration we felt towards that person.

Our Funeral Home provides the following Services
Modern vehicles
Modern vehicles to transfer the deceased to our premises 24 hrs a day.
Our facilities
Our facilities and mortuary are designed to the highest standards so as to both be respectful and secure.
Trained staff
Trained staff to advice and assist with all aspects of funeral/cremation service.
funeral/death notices in newspapers
Preparation and publication of funeral/death notices in newspapers.
Liaison with Clergy / Organist
Liaison with Cemetery
Obtaining and completing all necessary documentation for the funeral.
Veteran Affairs
Notification to Medicare, Centrelink or Department of Veteran Affairs
Registration of deaths with Registrar General.
Death Certificate
Obtaining a copy of Death Certificate if required.
floral tributes
Ordering of floral tributes as required
Service Veterans
Provision of national flag, poppies and last post for War Service Veterans
screening of photo slideshow
Production and screening of photo slideshow presentation accompanied to selected music as required
Preparation of printed Order of Service as required
Ordering of floral tributes as required
cemetery graveside
Provision of shade canopies, sound system, water and other equipment at the cemetery graveside
Air-conditioned Chapel
Black Ford Hearse
Provision of Black Ford Hearse
Royal Enfield Hearse
Provision of Royal Enfield Hearse